Even kennismaken met jullie PROJECTLEIDER - Nina Orman

🕵♂ In my daily life I am a...
Teacher at a allocation of the osnovna skola Kacuni. Because I love working with children I also started OASA. A place where children can go after school, to do there schoolwork, learn other things then in school and play with other children.
Besides these activity I also help where I can. When children or families need help, I will do my upmost to help them in anyway I can.
🌏 𝐈 work for Out of Area because...
I love it! The first project 15 years ago on my school. Students from the Netherlands helping my kids, my school. I loved it and wanted to help. On that day I started to help not only on projects in my region, but helping the foundation with my network. Now 11 years later I am coordinator and still work with the same effort and energy to help the foundation help other project locations as they helped my school.
💭My most beautiful travel memory is
Uh,its difficult, The first thing that comes in my mind are projects that are helping families that need that the most. In my neighborhood a lot of very poor families live. The children are so happy to get some extra attention, a small gift. Just to let them know that they are worthwhile! And they are!
Each project is different and every project has moments that we will never forget.
📸 this picture tells you...
Normally I am organising. Checking and preparing the projectlocations, calling directors,hotels, busses, etc. Make sure that everything runs smoothly. But I am also a projectleader and help where necessary.
On the picture you can see the best way to mix colour and paint!
✈ A project is a success when...
We finish what was planned, everybody is happy with the result and safe at home with a great experience
Our group of contact clowns have collected many great memories since 2012.with Nina as project leader ! I am not sure mixing painting is her biggest talent but she has many other ones to make groups feeling just at home in Bosnie 😉 ! Laurence from project Clown Inside